MERMC 2022 

What is MonsoonSIM ERM Competition?


The MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management Competition (MERMC) is an
annual competition hosted by MonsoonSIM and its partners. Winning teams of MERMC HK will represent Hong Kong to participate in the International MERMC Grand Final to compete with teams from other countries, including but not limited to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, the United States of America, Australia, Macau, and the Mainland China.

International MERMC 2018


 - Supported by the Singapore University of Social Sciences (Singapore)

 - Two Hong Kong teams competed in this international MERMC competition.

International MERMC 2019


-  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University supported the MERMC International round held in Hong Kong.

-  MERMC International round 9 winning teams from various Hong Kong universities competed against teams from other countries.

-  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) has finished as the MERMC International Round's first runner-up.

MERMC 2020


- As a result of COVID-19, the competition has shifted to an online format.

- The Hong Kong Round Competition attracted more than 30 teams from various universities to join.

- 5 of the 30 winning teams were invited to compete in the international round.

MERMC 2021


- This year's tournament will be held as an online competition.

- Universities and Higher Education Institutions are separated into two groups in the MERMC Hong Kong    competition. 

- The top 5 winners from the Universities and Higher Education levels competed in the international round.

The Message from the Officiating Guest of Honour MERMC HK 2022

Mr. Jeff Sze (Deputy Secretary for Education HKSAR Government)

Members of the Organising Committee, Participants of the MonsoonSim Enterprise Resource Management Competition, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning!


Thank you to the organiser, Creative Talent Asia Limited, for inviting me to join all of you this morning - to witness the opening of The 8th Annual MonsoonSim Enterprise Resource Management Competition Hong Kong 2022.


First and foremost, I am very delighted that different Universities, Education Institutions, NGOs, Charity Foundations and Private Corporations have joined hands and put together such a meaningful event for our students. In this competition, 4 to 5 students would team up to run a virtual company (with different departments like an actual company - Finance, Retailing, B2B, Marketing, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Human Resource, Logistics, R&D, etc.) and compete with other teams in the same market to achieve the highest business KPI targets.


While you will apply your knowledge on business, accounting, and financial management when you run your companies, I hope you will also be able to enhance your skills in entrepreneurship, leadership, teamwork, collaboration, communication and other soft skills along the way for your whole-person development.


As I understand, the winning teams of this competition will have the special opportunity to represent Hong Kong in the international championship round of the competition.

May I wish all of you every success, and a very fruitful learning experience throughout this competition, regardless of the final outcome of how your virtual companies perform.The theme of this year's competition is "The ESG Application in Life."


ESG stands for Environmental, Social & Governance, which is becoming part-and-parcel in the field of business management and investment. It is now increasingly common for investors to use the ESG criteria to screen potential investments.


The younger generation, which is more environmentally and socially conscious, is more likely to work for companies with similar values. So ESG is not about businesses making financial sacrifice.


In fact, it aligns with their business interest to protect the environment by addressing climate change, have a high regard for employees' health and safety, as well as maintain good governance.


To my knowledge, all the participating teams today have already been preparing for this competition for 3 months. Together with the precious sharing from the distinguished guest speakers today, I am sure all of you will find this experience to be rewarding and memorable.


On behalf of the Education Bureau as well as the HKSAR Government, I would like to thank the organizer, all the honorable sponsors as well as supporting organisations for your unfailing support on our youth and education development in Hong Kong.Once again, I wish the competition every success this year and indeed many more years to come.


Thank you very much.

MERMC Timeline


HK MERMC Competition Held on Jun 15, 2024


World MERMC Scheudle and location T.B.C

Enterprises Resources

Management Competition



all distinguished guest SPEAKERS

MERMC 2021 Guest Speakers

The Message from the Officiating Guest of Honour

Mr. Jeff Sze

Deputy Secretary for Education HKSAR Government

MERMC 2023


- HK Representive Team Achieved the Top 6 winners team in World MERMC 2023 in Malaysia 2023

- Top 3 of the HK MERMC 2024 winning teams will select and represent HK to World MERMC 2024 in Malaysia 


MERMC 2022


- Top 9 of the HK MERMC 2022 winning teams from Semi-Final will move to Grand Final Competition on Jun 25, 2022

- Total 30 Teams joining the MERMC HK 2022 from Hong Kong various Universities