

Creative Talent Asia Ltd. (Cretasia) is the EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR of MonsoonSIM for Hong Kong, Macau, and the Guangdong Province.

We aim to assist students in developing critical thinking skills as well as creativity so that they can unleash their full potentials and discover their talents.

About us

CRETASIA mainly focuses on human capital development and corporate training with business intelligence technology. 

Empower yourself with the knowledge of ERP and immerse yourself in this exciting and competitive gamification
What is Monsoonsim?


Monsoon Simulation (MonsoonSIM) is the first cloud-based online business experiential learning platform for business studies that cover business processes including sales, marketing, finance and service, procurement, accounting, manufacturing human resources, e-commerce, supply chain, etc., as well as hundreds of other business concepts ready to be discovered by learners via immersive and competitive games.


MonsoonSIM is an award-winning business simulation and gamification education platform. This platform has been used in business education since 2013. Nowadays, more than 80,000 registered learners and a rapidly growing user base.

Emulate realistic business environment


Students in teams of five will be required to run virtual companies to compete for withone another to achieve the highest business KPI targets set.
Through applying corresponding ERP concepts onto the simulated environment, they will get a raw taste of what it would be like to engage in business decision making and come up with various strategies

What you will learn...


Get acquainted with different principles of business operation management, accounting, ERP, supply chain and logistics, etc.


Develop critical thinking skills through solving challenges that arose in the management process


Brush up on communication skills


Apply knowledge learned in lectures and textbooks to make the best decision collaboratively with other teammates

Concepts covered


Business and economics fundamentals / Business operational management / Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) / Logistics and Supply ChainManagement (SCM)